If you cheese crota, here are my assumptions of you.
1. It's too hard for you.
2. You're lazy.
3. You have never learned to do it the right way.
4. You think there's no problem with it.
5. You think it's cool.
6. You think it's bungie's fault.
7. You did it once and think bungie owes you a level 32 character.
8. "I don't have time" when you've played 700+ hours.
When the hard raid comes out and you're walking around clueless, I will laugh in your face and boot anyone who asks how to kill crota legit.
Edit: seems like everyone claims they can't find 5 other people. Not a valid reason. My friend did it solo and I did it with only one other person in 3 minutes. So try something else.
Edit 2: So, it comes down to this. People either agree with me or they hate me because they can't do it legit. I love these people! Haha.
I just don't know why anyone cares so much either way. It's a game. People bought it and get to play how they like. If they miss out they miss out. Anyone super serious has raid friends at this stage anyways and won't be playing with unknown cheesers unless they need someone and they'll teach them then unless dicks. Or you'd teach them know. It's gonna be painful at some point regardless so why whine?
I completely agree.
It's either or, honestly. First few times i did it legit. Legit is way more fun and i enjoy doing it. Problem is having a team of terrible players and taking an hour plus and still nothing. Easier to do it legit with a team of legits. Easier to cheese with a team of cheese. Plain and simple.
The more important reason for me is not falling out with my genuine real life friends who don't care about "legit" but just want the kit. When the cheese vs legit argument is taking longer than the actual fight, The Darkness is winning. They said that only weapons of Darkness would beat Crota, and cheese is definitely one of those... 9/10 times reason 2 is at play.
I payed for the game I'll play how I want. I can do it legit but as long as I can do it faster I will. It doesn't effect you in anyway shape or form. Grow up and move on bro.
Why the hell does this bother you?
Work smart not hard
I hate cheesing it, but I've done it once because the group I was in refused to try legit. It's not hard with capable ppl.
Edited by xshadowxwolfx7x: 1/6/2015 1:31:23 PMI get forced to cheat it because it is nigh impossible to find a group that won't cheat it. Can't wait to see how many people can't do it when Bungie patches all of them. It was fun watching people scramble to kill Atheon and the Templar when they patched that.
I haven't even fought Crota yet, I've legitimately been to busy to play destiny.
Number 2 haha I've spent ages grinding to get shit so after I beat it first time legit and just got shards i just thought -blam!- it haha
I didn't even know there was a cheese.
9. I dont have a raid group, and randoms Cheese it everytime
I have to admit that I'm lazy, but I honestly just don't want to have to deal with randoms synchronizing their playing styles for hours before we can get it done. I've had to deal with this too many times in VoG and I'll be cheesing things in the raid until I can't anymore.
Why are this forums filled with assholes? Crazy, dudes.
Who wants to do a full raid just for shards. And it is bungie a fault, they suck. Check yourself.
I like doing it legit, it's actually interesting. Finally got to use the sword last week (no one let me because I was a Titan) since I was 32 and it was pretty fun. It just really sucks and feels bad when you get two shards/energy for beating Crota and that's it.
I do it because I want to and that's good enough reason if you have a problem with it oh well... I won't loose any sleep over your assumptions and opinions... Oh and correctly cheesing Crota saves me time.
Why do you think you're a special snowflake? Crota is easy as hell. Who cares if people cheese. Btw complaining about scrubs/noobs/etc...check your own stats first
No need in giving them too much of a hard time, obviously it's not the way it was intended to be played, so they're missing out on the experience. I've done it both ways, but I prefer the legit way, because it's just fun :)
Your a pup mate! Shutup and let the big dogs talk
Lazy beat it legit three times the first week the dlc was out went to do it second week found out about the cheese and was like meh y not
Just want stuff.
If people want to cheese it so be it. The fact it upsets you shows what kind of person you are. It's someone else's money paying for their time and you feel like you have done something worthy of an ego. You call out the cheesers without any evidence of your kill without an exploit. So how do we know you aren't just being a douche who wants the numerous destiny bugs fixed but also abuses them while you can. Because that's what a good player does. They figure out how to gain the advantage and make the win come easier. Sorry but this post like its 5 others I've seen this week are -blam!-ing retarded
What is wrong with cheesing the raid? I for one have done it the "legit" way more times than I have chessed it just because sometimes it is easier tbh. But for some people cheesing it is easier and their only option. Why do people have a problem with the way they do things? If you hate it, then don't do it. No need to get this mad about it lmao. I only do it when it saves time, which is the bridge part. Every other time its easier to do it legitly.
I call bullshit on the not finding people thing. I can post on DestinyLFG for a VoG group and get invites damn near instantly, it's not that hard. Stop making up excuses.