Thanks for the link. That article has some interesting information, but it doesn't say anything about Microsoft being offered Destiny or Destiny content first and turning it down. If it does say this and i'm missing it, please correct me. What it does say (as far as I can tell) is that Activision's original plan was to launch Destiny on the XBOX360 and then eventually to launch it on other consoles. Obviously this didn't happen. The article doesn't say why. I think it's safe to say that the reason we didn't see it launch last gen was because it simply wasn't ready.
The article doesn't say anything about Microsoft being offered or turning down exclusive content. In fact, the article only mentions what Activision intended their plan for Destiny to be in the early days of development, and goes on to say that the contract and plan may have changed. And we know is did, at least to some degree. Again, there's nothing there about Microsoft being offered exclusive content or turning it down. The only indication of this is the statement that Destiny would initially only be available on the 360 and it's successor console, and we know that ended up not being the case. It sounds more like Activision changed their mind at some point between the initial contract and later announcements.
While it is possible that at one point Activision offered Microsoft an exclusive deal and Microsoft declined (which would be incredibly out of character for the company) it's just as likely that some events over that 5 year period caused Activision to alter their original plan and offer an exclusive deal to Sony instead. A bidding war is also very possibly. In fact, the only real reason I could imagine for Microsoft turning down exclusive Destiny content was if the price just became to steep.
Anyway, I'm just speculating based on the information I have, which is obviously pretty incomplete.
It doesn't say they were offered destiny but from the info we can infer that destiny was definitely offered to Microsoft first due to the fact that it was supposed to launch on 360. For some reason, that whole situation broke down and turned into a game with playstation exclusives. Honestly, just from pure speculation, we know MS was looking into titanfall and threw TONS of money at respawn for it to be exclusive. They probably didn't want to invest in 2 scifi shooters...
And just to be super clear, I'm not saying that you're wrong. Its just really easy to speculate that something else might have happened.
Yeah of course. It's all speculation. Who knows what could have happened. Clearly something did and I'm sure the story behind it is interesting lol
That may well be the case. But just because the contract says Activision initially intended the game to be a XBOX exclusive doesn't mean that they ever approached Microsoft with a deal. Its very possible that once they realized the game wouldn't launch until the current console generation they changed their minds and decided to offer exclusive content to Sony instead. We know at dome point the plan did change, and it's hard to believe it was because Microsoft turned exclusive content down. Anyway, we cant know for sure and you may be right, but I find it hard to believe that Microsoft would pass up exclusive content on what was expected to be this gen's biggest new franchise. Especially since Microsoft has a pretty ruthless reputation when it comes to securing exclusive content.