Probably the stupidest thing I ever heard. Even out of school: "The bae"
U wanna be bae?
I now feel old but what is this?
The "Bae" is suppose to be short for "Babe" I guess. It basically is used to describe one's crush or girlfriend/boyfriend
I don't like "bae" either but I heard it stands for Before Anyone Else O_o
I use it occasionally but really only as a joke
Yeah... I fool around with it too but the people who legitimately use it are just... Ugh.
It actually means poop in danish heheh
Yeah I know hahaha
Cant belive people ignore it
Yeah it's a bunch of "crap". Hahahaha very punny
xXSnakeSkinzXx is the bae
Everytime i hear it i cringe
Exactly lol