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1/5/2015 10:01:10 PM
Symptoms: People with Erzekett are often under the delusion that they are the fictional character Jack Bauer. This can manifest in many ways but more commonly reported is the use of nearby objects as weapons and the uncontrollable desire to hide and spy should the word terrorist be mentioned. It is almost impossible for someone with Erzekett to hold down a desk job due to the number of small objects and hiding places. Cure: Although it is still considered an unethical approach success has been found by threatening the return and repeated kidnapping of their fictional daughter Kim Bauer. This is believed to be due to the high levels of stress it can cause and the patient subconsciously reaching for the abort switch in their mind. Note: Under no circumstances should someone with Erzekett be left alone in a room with anyone who looks a bit shifty.

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