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1/5/2015 11:30:13 PM
Competition... Let's say Sony pulls out of the console market, leaving MS & Nintendo. Nintendo is no competition for MS as they cater more towards a family centric audience, and as such they don't push technology. This leaves MS strolling along, and not innovating. There's no real competition, so you could also see prices go up. Sony & MS are good for each other, as they try to create the better gaming platform at a price point that appeals. They innovate. What you really should be looking at is multiplat release titles; if these titles have the same content, and the exact same dlc released at the exact same time, then as gamers - we win (so to speak); because besides the occasional my console is better than your console jibes, we are on a relatively even footing (not going into the resolution gate/FPS gate etc). However, the timed exclusive dlc is all about corporate greed and not about the gamers. An unfortunate fact of life. Let's add to this mix, what if apple made the iConsole? Would we see Nintendo, MS or Sony shut shop either by choice or force due to too much competition? [spoiler]Now I need to go and discuss my ideas with Apple.[/spoiler]

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