I've noticed a lot of Destiny players here on the forum who can't distinguish between there, their and they're as well as between the words patience and patients. I, myself, was not even born or have ever lived (except for 3 months in Manchester, England) in a country with English as its official language and yet I can distinguish these words. Are there really that many rednecks out there?
If you have also encountered these 2nd graders who can't even spell simple words then share your (yes your not you're) story and the words they can't spell properly here, or their grammatical errors.
EDIT; Stop being butthurt, it's 2015 and I am suggesting you learn how to spell simple words. Google exists, dictionaries exist. It can't be that hard. Seriously.
Yes! There was one troll who confused the contraction it's with the possesive its. It was rather funny when read it to myself: "a country with English as it is official language." He also had serious problems with tense "was not even born", and appropriate idiom "yet I can distinguish." As for the finer points, he showed little indication that he understood the role of the comma in seperating sub-clauses. It was as if he was punctuating with a pre buff Super Good Advice. Poor kid. On the whole his prose was entirely abominable. On top of all this, his tagging left much be desired. He left out #asinine #attention #whore.