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Edited by Ackter: 1/6/2015 6:40:47 PM

Warlock self-res is a crutch for the weak.

Warlock self-res is a crutch for the weak. Seriously. What use is it outside of PvP? That's right - people who struggle to stay alive can have a second chance at dying again. Give me a Warlock whose build is based around staying alive any day of the week. A Warlock using self-res is basically waiting to die. They're holding the rest of the team back. They don't generate orbs unless they die. They don't activate supers unless they die. They're basically a drain on DPS and team strategy/cohesion. If you're a Warlock with self-res, [i]you're letting your team-mates down[/i]. When recruiting for Raids, I ask people if they use self-res and then turn them down if they say yes. I want my Warlocks to be team-players, not people concerned only about themselves. [spoiler]It's not really any use in PvP either.[/spoiler] Edit: apologies if I've stopped replying to someone in particular, this forum makes it impossible to look through everything and keep up with every conversation. Edit 2: Next week on Ackter Provokes: The Gjallarhorn and how if it was suddenly removed, 99% of players would no longer be able to beat anything!

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  • Ok when I use self Rez in nightfall and hard raid, I won't come Rez you. Then we're all happy.

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  • Wait, so if a warlock decides to kill himself to generate orbs, that's not team play? And a striker super is great on a group of thralls if no hallowed are around, hunter supers bring literally nothing to a boss fight worth mentioning as primaries melt adds. Void bomb as useful as a hunter golden gun on bosses. Titan defender bubble gets used to save our own skins at times ruining the buff to boss mechanic timing. Your argument is invalid. And a self res warlock is more valuable than most players as they can make a mistake and correct the loss of damage where I have to wait 30 seconds for you assuming not hard mode.

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  • Points are fair enough, but at the same time, a self-resing warlock can save an entire team from a wipe in nightfall, so they're also helping their team mates. Sunsingers are not meant to be naturally aggressive, they're meant to be a defensive support class, so you would expect them to generate less orbs.

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  • Dude the sunsinger is a defensive ability so is the self res it doesn't allow the weak to die again it help survival and creating orbs why are you not complaining about the titan bubble it only produces 2 orbs XD

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  • In some games when i use self res other players die more often than me... So this is shit

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  • PvP I use voidwalker now PvE voidwalker.... VoG sunsinger -_- because lfg sucks now because everyone wants dat hardmode

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  • Yeah, there was another thread like this? So I always used voidwalker until I learned that the Sunsinger could basically save a whole teams ass if they died in a raid/nightfall. Its the responsible thing to do. Also, I make loads of orbs when I bash, and I use my grenades to make orbs for the sword carrier in Croata's end, so please tell me how I am letting my team down?

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  • 1
    Go bubble yourself

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  • Poop. I've been asked to switch to sunslinger purely for self res during nightfall and vog by teammates. Horses for courses.

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    7 Replies
    • I actually agree with you. I used to be the guy running around with radiance in raids thinking I was a big help being able to res if needed. Now it's void walker all the time with obsidion mind helm. Nova bombs feeding more nova bombs. Dropping orbs. Vortex novas. Big exploding novas. Love it all.

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      • Trolls like you suck my self res-ing dick on the nightfall

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      • Bring on next week. Who needs gjalla when you got hunger of crota (didn't expect that did you?)

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        • I have gjallerhorn but I do not use it, I also agree on self resurrection Is a crutch for the weak

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        • I can't wait until next week.

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        • Edited by fnky143: 1/7/2015 10:26:42 AM
          Hahahaha, troller! The LVL31 warlock sunginger with fireborn selected is just there as bate, eh? ;)

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          • I see where you're coming from... But it is always handy to have at least one warlock that can self revive. It's saved my raid groups many times. Warlocks make good relic bearers in the vault because if they go down and the relic is dropped, they can quickly pull themselves back up and retrieve it. I, myself, use Voidwalker more. In the Vault though, I use Sunsinger frequently with all the teleporting and relic bearing.

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          • Yesterday, I had Golden Gun active. Killed a warlock. He self-res'd. I killed him again. :D Thanks for two kills, dude.

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          • You are a moron hahaha. "I ask warlocks of they self rez" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! This guy! Who would want to play with you anyways lol

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          • Sorry guys it's alright, he meant to say clutch

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          • I only use it to piss people off haha I wait till they turn their back and smack them cuz I'm a dick. Get alot a hate messages that way but I never use my super in pvp any way when it comes to radiance. I run around using my guns like people should be instead of relying on supers to get kills.

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          • I self res. Ran the hard raid as a 28 one night. During the Atheon fight, we had him down to almost nothing. Me and two others were defending the gates. They died. Then I died. Self ressed and was able to keep the gate open long enough for the other three to come back through and for all of us to finish him off. No self res and it would have been a wipe.

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          • Away u go. Another trumped up nonsense post that is only there for your amusement. I don't use that perk as I haven't levelled up that tree button see the usefulness in it. Stop acting like a baby and deal with it. If u don't like/see the point in it then don't use it or better yet use it against the other guy.

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          • Its useful in Nightfall Strikes where it saves you from starting all over again and is also useful in the Raid when things get messy.

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          • Baha. Haven't seen you troll in a while. Your post is semi-accurate. Minus the part where you claim self-rez has PVP use. If you're a Warlock running self-rez in PVP, you're a moron. P.s. thanks for 2 kills in advance, morons.

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            5 Replies
            • Sunsinger is a boring class IMO. I don't like to use it and I agree on the super. Only good for grenade spam and 1 hit melee. Space magic all day! (Voidwalker)

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              • Bubble shield is kind of a crutch too I guess I mean cmon guys you're letting your team down /s

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