Having self res allows a Warlock to play much more aggressively, in a similar way you can do with a Titan Defender.
You can pop your super to get you out of trouble to a certain degree.
In tougher situations sometimes death happens. You're on 3rd stage hard confluxes and 2 hobs shoot you within a second of each other or the templar goes nuts when you have the relic. If you have res you use it, finish the stage, if you are running voidwalker you effectively wipe.
It'll be immense when the Crota hard raid comes.
Your argument has little bearing when talking about generating orbs as well. Hunters don't generate enough to be useful, and neither does the Titan defender bubble which is the most useful Titan ability. In fact the Hunter's supers aren't really worth much in PvE at all.
If you run a nightfall or a hard raid with a Warlock without res then you're an idiot. Plain and simple. And you're REALLY letting your team down.
The only people who dont value self res are the Hunters and Titans who get spammed by solar grenades after killing a Warlock.
Or people with skill....
Yes because panic supers on the other classes require skill too.......
My point stands....most locks with self-rez as their main choice character are low skill scrubs....
Edited by swirve: 1/6/2015 1:20:57 PMAggressively = dying over and over like an idiot.... All noobs state playing aggressively as the key point, yet I've never been beaten on killing power by any lock in a raid and I've done so many...what usually happens is lock dies, revives, dies again, I carry on with the killing and carrying the lock... Lol I solo the NF with hunter...if you need self-rez then you are a scrub noob.....in any situation....
Not to mention that, if using Radiant Skin and a few other perks, Warlocks make the best aggressive tanks in the game. Self-res actually makes a Warlock considerably weaker for this playstyle.
Shame most of the players are noobs and a noob tank is still not much use...
Sometimes I let myself die on purpose just so I can self revive and get all the chitty titans and hunters whining, it's an ability given to us to be used, who gives a phuck if some chit kid on a forum thinks it's 'scrubby' smfh
Keep telling yourself that beast player.....lock noobs...lol
Lol maybe the titans need to stop using their bubbles and hunters their golden guns, to me those seem far scrubbier
Lol......you have no clue lock scrub
Edited by wwaveydave: 1/6/2015 1:25:14 PMInteresting. I notice you have radiance selected for your Warlock. That makes you a "scrub noob" by your own admission.
Interesting.....you the kind of guy who reads one paragraph and thinks he knows the story.... Sunsinger was my last subclass for levelling lol....I barely use the lock...but put your deductive powers to use and check the stats...lol...
I agree with this a lot. Maybe it's a failing of me and my fireteam becoming dependant on my sunsinger but sometimes when doing the nightfall on our alts we have even resorted to running to the final encounter with my main (sunsinger) and then I swap to my alt. Of course I expect the standard 'you suck and need to get better' etc regarding my alt, I'm just saying how I play.
Was gonna write but this right here, 100% Running a nightfall without a warlock is pretty dumb. Unless you like the risk of restarting. Also Warlocks generate the most orbs with both supers compared to Hunters and Titans. I have all 3 chars at 30 and Hunter is my fav, but warlock is for my serious gaming.
Titan defenders can generate a lot of orbs. Heavy kills, melee kills and bubble. Only the sunsinger can compete with that in generating orbs.
Pfft void walker is never below an 8 with orbs from me. Sunsinger is just off the charts. I don't see the true argument here, all classes when pitted against each other is Rock Paper Scissors, one doesn't outclass the other.
There is a difference in generating orbs though. That's my point.
No I agree, but that somewhat relies in the player. But I do not agree self Rez classes someone as a noob or scrub. You get a second chance, Titan gets a bubble that stops all bullets. So thinking about it, the most skilled would be hunters, they have nothing that brings them back to life or keeps them safe.
I wouldn't call it dumb. Many nightfall can be done solo. But I do agree that revive warlocks are awesome. This dude just hates.
If you're using your defender as a "panic-shield", you're doing it very, very wrong. In fact, Defenders who use their shields just to save themselves are just as bad as Warlocks with self-res. The Titan defender bubble, when used properly, should not only be boosting the entire team's DPS, but also creating 4-8 orbs. It's all about placement and perk selection. Golden Gun is very useful in PvE, though Bladedancing is markedly less-so.
Golden gun is weak