Warlock self-res is a crutch for the weak.
What use is it outside of PvP?
That's right - people who struggle to stay alive can have a second chance at dying again. Give me a Warlock whose build is based around staying alive any day of the week. A Warlock using self-res is basically waiting to die. They're holding the rest of the team back. They don't generate orbs unless they die. They don't activate supers unless they die. They're basically a drain on DPS and team strategy/cohesion. If you're a Warlock with self-res, [i]you're letting your team-mates down[/i].
When recruiting for Raids, I ask people if they use self-res and then turn them down if they say yes. I want my Warlocks to be team-players, not people concerned only about themselves.
[spoiler]It's not really any use in PvP either.[/spoiler]
Edit: apologies if I've stopped replying to someone in particular, this forum makes it impossible to look through everything and keep up with every conversation.
Edit 2: Next week on Ackter Provokes: The Gjallarhorn and how if it was suddenly removed, 99% of players would no longer be able to beat anything!
So a sunsinger who is holding a super for the good of their team to ensure they get through a raid or Nightfall is 'selfish'? Wow...that's backwards logic. If anything, a Sunsinger that has to hold onto it has to rely on their super LESS and their ability with the rest of the game more. It's not like supers regenerate instantly. If you cant hold your own and self res you will eventually die quickly again anyway and will be dead weight to the team. If Sunsinger self res refilled fast I might be more prone to agree with you. It takes a few minutes for it to refill depending on the perks you have on your armor though so you can't really lean on it that heavily as a single player as a crutch. When i die in a nightfall, first thing I do is ask my team if they want me to self res or hold it. 99% of the time they tell me to hold it. That doesn't sound like letting the team down to me. In a raid, if I'm holding a gate open or, if the game unceremoniously glitches (I know...that never happens in the raid) and I get killed, I have the chance to come back and still help the team move forward. And this is assuming of course that I'm holding the super for res. A lot of times I'll use it and melt the world with the sun with my praxic fire equipped. I think it's self righteous and awfully judgmental to assume that Sunsingers with self res are not team players. You can have selfish players in any role in the game who want the most kills. If you're going to be an elitest and automatically rule out sunsingers you're being judgmental about that person's style of play without giving them a chance. Self res isn't for the weak. It's for the person who is willing to help out his team.