Dear confused OP,
This may come as a surprise to someone of your grandeur, but I'll do my best to explain it in a way a five year old could grasp.
Video games, with Destiny not being any exception, are meant to be played for entertainment. Entertainment is this big word we adults use to explain what FUN is (ya know F is for friends who do stuff together?).
If you have never experienced the raw adrenaline it is to save an entire raid crew in the last few seconds of hope, then you have no room to talk (and I feel bad for you, because it is so badass). Not everyone has the same skill level or the time or the patience to tackle the muscle memory mechanics of each and every aspect of the content in this game.
Wanna know what else OP? Connection error? Don't worry, lock's got your back. Unexpected lag spikes? Pfff guess what I've been saving my GD super for... Someone's kid needs an emergency diaper change? Just tell me when... Why? Because my super is worth the manpower of 2 players instead of one.
What OP needs to consider is that playing as a warlock with self res is actually one of the more selfless things one could do in PvE. Seems to me like the trigger pulls of your weapon can't satisfy protecting your team enough... otherwise you wouldn't be complaining about wipes...
Huh, I had no idea the forum was full of scrubs who need a crutch to be useful to their team.
Weird right? It's almost as if weapons have no purpose in this game. It's all about superpower performances. Get outta here Michael Bay...
This post right here I have self rez, but only hold my super in nightfall or raids. Strikes or such Im spamming super with everyone else. When I do hold my super,I don't use it everytime I die. If my teammates can make it to me I hold it, if they can't I use it. Everyone wiped due to unforeseen circumstances? Popping my super for you guys and coming to pick you up. Person died and we need to revive him? Yet he's in the middle of a firefight? Run out there and grab him, why? Cause if I die running to him, I can self rez and pick him up and get us the shield to get away. Warlocks with self rez and the teamplayer mindset are the ones who are waiting for the unexpected to happen. Hoping that it wont, but knowing that when it does, we got your back.
Awww, the I'm-going-to-be-patronising attempt at a rebuff is so adorable when you completely miss the point of the thread.
It's great because I clearly give examples of real life situations gamers encounter on the daily that make your statement of 'locks with self res be holding their team back' completely moot. Admit it man, you're just a selfish player who wants to use their super more often. boo freaking hoo, you can't make orbs as often as everyone else. Guess that means you're not as useful... grow up.
Best response.
this +1