The ability is what [i]keeps[/i] people weak. They never improve because they don't need to.
Whether it's the person themselves or the team as a whole, it's more beneficial in the long run to not teach people to rely on a self-res to constantly save the day.
Put it another way : Stay with me here, Why do you class the skill like Self Res any different to a skill like a Defenders Bubble shield. (Ignoring its teamwork ability for a moment). Just because there is a short animation In between and a message that says your dead, the end result is quite similar - you toe the line between life and death, use a Super and recover to come out on top. the fact that you actually die, albeit briefly is meaningless when it was part of your design. I'll take your criticism of my original statement and adjust I'll somewhat. Any player can be good or bad, any class may or may not suit them, a player could be really bad trying to use bladedancer or totally reliable on a defender shield to bale them out of difficult times. The whole concept of dying is very different with self Rez, someone isn't bad because they went down for a second, completely aware that they would Rez.