This is how MMO-type games operate son.
Don't mess with the natural order of things.
I love it when people try to compare this game to other more traditional MMOs without offering all the facts. I've played about a dozen different MMOs in the past 15+ years. Either get your facts straight or speak with some actual credible amount of experience, neither of which you have, apparently. 1. The fact is that real MMOs put out a level-cap increase expansion about once a year, if that, so your hard-earned raid gear isn't going to be retired every three months. 2. Another fact is that when real MMOs do introduce level-cap increase expansions, your top-tier gear isn't immediately obsolete. It's still viable through the new levels until you hit the new level cap at which point you start replacing it with the better gear (or upgrading it). 3. A final fact is that several MMOs such as Rift, SWTOR, and WoW have implemented upgrade systems where you can still keep that really sweet looking raid armor you worked your butt off to get by upgrading the components inside of it to be level appropriate for the new content.
What facts were stated? What comparisions were drawn between Destiny and other MMO's? Oh right, none. You clearly need to show off the size of your e-peen over a very general statement about the nature of MMO's. But keep up the good work sir.
It's not what you stated, it's what you implied. And the absence of facts doesn't mean you weren't making assumptions based on a very over-generalized comparison between Destiny and other MMOs. You implied that MMO type games operate on same premise as Destiny, in that the "natural order" of gear progression is that the prior gear becomes obsolete. I simply clarified your grossly inaccurate comparison, for the less informed. It had nothing to do with my ego, but if yours is so easily bruised, might I suggest you get some ice for that?
Edited by T3mpest: 1/6/2015 6:27:14 PMExcept real MMO's have literally 5-10x the content destiny does. Multiple endgame raids, lots of usesable weapons, far more classes and features.. Destiny is a shallow compared to any good MMORPG, so making that direct comparsion isn't valid. When MMO's release expansions they are usually bigger than the entire game of destiny. It's not one set of armor, 1 raid and a few new weapons. If they had given us 3 new raids in this expansion with guns in each, sure make VOG irrelevant. Instead they made the vendor stuff even better than VOG gear to make us grind that and gave us one new raid with all brand new materials to slow progression. That's not how a good MMO operates. Hell the new raid isnt' even that great. I enjoyed it the first few times, but it's too exploitable. The lights can be done killing a grand total of 2 enemies in a time span of about 3 minutes. We all know the bridge can be done multiple ways that destroy that mechanic. The CP system to skip it, along with a lack of loot makes deathsingers not worth messing with, despite it being one of the hardest parts and LITERALLY the only section without a massive gamebreakign exploit. We all know how 95% of raid groups "beat Crota". At least VOG has been patched and fixed where people have to follow the mechanics. Plus VOG is just a bit longer even when both are run properly. A 33 hardmode VOG could be quite fun. They can fix the last few exploits that exist, force us to do oracles from the bottom, make confluxes have praetorians, have Minotaurs during templar fight. Minotaurs along with supplicants during the Atheon fight.. Just various things to make it harder and then give us materials for an upgrade path for our old primaries. The whole raid can drop nothing but upgrade materials.. Hell they can make it available as DLC only, I don't care.. I'd just like to have an incentive to play the game more often than I do and more end game content in general
Indeed. One could argue that the frequent turnover of endgame weapons is precisely to counteract the lack of content. Otherwise, if old raid gear was still viable, why keep grinding and playing? Levelling up new weapons and armour to fruitlessly chase a rapidly shifting endgame marker is literally the ONLY reason to keep playing PvE in this game. Yes, other MMOs do this too, but as a supplementary mechanic to actual content expansions. It's not literally the sole purpose of playing as it is here. Guild Wars 2 has Living Story, WoW WoD has new regions etc. In neither case are upgraded gear the only reason to keep playing. They rather come along for the ride, so to speak. I still play Destiny as I immensely enjoy the PvP. But I certainly get my "MMO fix" and story fix elsewhere. It's a shame as the Destiny world has so much potential but has been squandered in a way I've never seen before.
Bungie could change it though.