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originally posted in: Crota's end glitch collection
1/6/2015 4:25:56 PM
The only people who need to take it easy are the people who come here to flame me. I've remained clam this entire time. I didn't say you couldn't post. Feel free to continue. I'm simply stating if you don't like what i'm doing you don't have to stick around. Yes I've read TOS before. Not like me telling you that will change your view though. Believe what you want to believe. The only weak argument here is yours. You can't claim ignorance on something you willingly agreed to. Just because the community may not be aware of the rules doesn't mean they are not responsible for their actions. They were given the material to look at to understand the rules. It's their fault and only theirs if they are ignorant to them because they chose not to read. A person is always responsible for their actions. Regardless of the situation. How harshly that person is punished is entirely dependant on the person who's punishing and what law was broken. But it doesn't make a person less guilty. It's not like Bungie randomly made these rules and then never told us. Then you'd have a case. That's not proof. Bungie delayed hard mode so if any bugs/exploits popped up they could hopefully fix them before HM. The only tangible proof of Bungie's awarness would be if they openly posted stating such knowledge. otherwise it's all just guessing.

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