If you don't understand why people would use self-res in pve or pvp you my friend are an idiot. I would give examples but I'm just tired of repeating them to morons.
I do understand it - but you yourself need to understand exactly what it does long-term.
Trust me I understand what it will do short and long term for the team. I'm done here if your actually intelligent you would understand when is a right time to use self-res.
I love people who lecture on intelligence but can't handle simple grammar.
Are you on 360?
Watch out the grammar police lol Crying about self-res your garbage.
And what would that be
It rewards people for remaining crap. Whether it's the warlock themselves or the team they play with, the more often the warlock saves the day with self-res, the longer the team as a whole stays rubbish as they never learn to play without that crutch.
The only thing I care about is the completion other than that I don't care about my raid team since I will most likely never be in the same raid team again (I play with randoms).
I also play with (mostly) randoms, but I prefer trying to teach people how to be effective in the raids. It may not mean I get a better experience, but I'd like to think someone else down the line will because of it.