The petitions to upgrade the raid weapons are slightly off base though, imo.
What really needs to happen is a max level version of VoG to be released. Keep EVERY raid relevant as end game content.
Since there is no natural progression anymore to do VoG and then CE, they might as well always keep all raids at max level and offer the best rewards. This means that a full VoG set is just as viable as a full CE set, based on circumstances.
Would offer players much more customization and even situational sets based on the enemies they come across.
[b]Edit[/b]: Hey OP, you seem to have a reasonable amount of bumps going on for this thread in general. Let's change the tone and utilize my idea posted here rather than be just another petition to upgrade raid weapons yea? This is still in line with allowing players to continue to use their favorite raid weapons moving forward, as well as offer much much more.
Moved -
Very good idea!!! you may start a new thread with this one
Every time I start a thread with reasonable ideas it gets trolled and/or lost in the fray, lol. This is the most attention I've gotten recently.
Exactly what I was thinking especially that I don't really like the way new rair armour looks like. There were rumours before DLC that they will add new 31 lvl VoG but nothing happened. Then maybe all of us would not look the same...
There is still hope! The game is still early in its life cycle and precedents are not necessarily set. They've slowly listened to the community a little bit, we just have to come to them with reasonable ideas such as this and not only whine for buffs/nerfs. Let's bump this one to glory!!
I like it. If armor is included we may even have guardians that - "gasp"- look different.
nicely said. Raids should be max level gear as the game progresses. Or options for a raid gear upgrade path like exotics. I'll do the extra work. Although...would folks be interested in Crota's end as much if VoG had as good of gear?
yeah, CE gives different elemental primaries. Some people prefer ARs over Handcannons, etc
Why not have the option to run either or both? Maybe some prefer the CE gear/weapons and others VoG? Others will run both because they are completionists. More end game content = players happier for longer.
Idea is superb!
Now if only Bungie wasn't MIA from the forums, or managed to stumble across some ideas like this, lol.
Very good idea.
This is a better idea.
Thanks :)
PS - I love my Fatebringer, so I feel your pain. I just think simply upping the weapons isn't the best solution.