Terrible idea in my opinion. If they do this they will effectively be giving the "ok" for people to not buy anymore DLC or not run any new raids if their old weapons will just be equal to the current dropping ones from the current raid.
In other mmos the only reason people run older content is for achievements and things like mounts. Destiny doesn't really have this. Yeah I guess people could run VoG for chatterwhite or something but they should increase incentive to run older content while keeping the best rewards on current content.
Do you guys understand that doing this will effectively ruin the entire concept of this game? Weapons HAVE to get old guys this is almost like asking Bungie to make level 30 Shingen-E's. Do you see where I'm going with this? It's impossible for them to please everyone but it makes more sense to keep the game fresh and current and not please people that want older content to be "current".
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