Do you not realize how useful it can be in a nightfall or raid for a self rez to save you and your team. They're not waiting to die they're waiting to save your ass when you die. I can't count how many times a self rez has kept us in a nightfall, or even a hunter going invisible and reviving or even a titan popping a bubble just in time to save people. They're all useful in many ways.
Sounds like you suck at nightfall, then.
Actually I solo them most of the the time. So no. I do it with my titan and my hunter and I will with my warlock when its lvled up. Sounds like you are a attention whore that likes to downgrade anyone that has a different opinion than you so I won't reply to your ignorance after this.
Damn you must have never died in any of the nightfall if you are spouting shit like that.