Turn people down for using fireborn? Lmao
What makes you think a sunsinger won't use his super cause he is using fireborn?
Sunsingers create the most orbs out of any class dipshit. Whether they use fireborn, radiant skin, or that useless other perk. There isn't a damage increase for using one perk or the other, so why would a good warlock not choose fireborn when it comes down to the hard raid?
This is one of the more stupid posts I've seen on here.
You do realise that "useless other perk" means your entire fireteam can carpet bomb the area, at a rate of one grenade per second per team member, for upwards of 10 seconds per activation? You do realise that Radiant Skin is far more useful for keeping you alive than Fireborn is? Can you really not see the use in those perks?
Do you actually think SoF drops ally grenade cd to 1 sec? Shit you really know nothing about warlocks huh?
I see the use in those perks. But you "realize" they are not better then fireborn? Shit happens, you die. I'm done here