You Bungie defenders never cease to amaze me. I swear if a Bungie executive shot you in ass with rock salt you would claim that's what had to happen and is just the natural progression. You would swear not only that you deserved and wanted to get shot but that your ass is better for it.
no a lot of in this this game is bullshit, the coms are clearly a clever way to get people to grind, tower gear to get to 31 another grind to keep people playing, with no real content. im just stating that gear related to raids always gets replaced with new better gear. in any game, not just mmo's anything rpg related, old gear becomes obsolete, you may like the perks of VoG weapons, but its being replaced with new gear that has higher attack, making it stronger. when i played dragon age, i loved my dagger level 13 for my rogue, healed me on every hit, but i had to eventually give in an replace it with a level 17 dagger, that did more damage, that i found by dungeon crawling. its natural progression. same goes for destiny which follows a similar model, higher level means new weapons related to that higher level. you dont finish the game the same as you started it.
[quote]tower gear to get to 31 another grind to keep people playing, with no real content[/quote] I think this hits on the real problem of this dlc/update VOG raid gear is less powerful than tower gear. If they had left the light level and damage of tower gear alone and just added the new raid gear at the new level everyone would have been happy. It also would have kept the VOG relevant which it currently isn't.
exactly, noobs can bypass an entire raid. imo, raid gear should prepare you for the next raid.