I agree entirely with this.
Make the old raid gear get you to Lv 31. From here on out VoG armor drops will be +33 Light. Then with an upgradeable way to get it to Lv 32 through the Crota Raid, this way you still need to earn that Lv 32 through the new raid but have different options on what you think looks better gear-wise.
All VoG weapons now drop with 331 damage, including exotics. This makes the use of old raid weapons still viable. Why the Vex Mythoclast isn't 331 blows my mind as well, bump that up from here on out.
All of this just makes doing the VoG worthwhile yet, let's you use your weapons of your choosing, and gives you multiple combinations of armor rather than everyone running around with the same stuff looking the exact same as everyone else all the time.
It shouldn't all be handed over with easy upgrades of current gear and weapons either, it needs to be earned again to keep high activity in both raids. Don't have time to do both? Then choose which one you'd rather get your gear from.
I think it's crazy to believe that old raid gear is worth less than stuff you can purchase from a vendor. Also the fact that once great weapons are reduced massively. (I still use VoC and Fatebringer but by next raid they'll be useless) Eventually these once great weapons will become nothing but shelf ornaments.. Which could be OK if we had any space in these vaults of ours. If they don't change it then whatever, I'll live and continue playing on but this is something I do hope they change.
Edit: Possibly making a harder Lv of VoG could hand out these awards? Instead of Lv 30 VoG it could be Lv 32? This way it makes it tougher to be awarded these items.
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