I posted a thread with a better solution. I don't have a link, but here was the summation:
In order to allow old raid gear to be valid, but not too easily accessible, in Crotas End, all raid gear dropped would be replaced with raid tokens (for the class and slot for which the piece of gear would have normally dropped). Upon receiving this token, you can take it to the cryptarch. You will be given the following options for your CE raid token:
1)receive the gear as initially intended
2)lvl up and reset progression on a currently equipped piece of VoG gear (same principal as the Xur system of upgrading exotics).
What this means:
Old gear will not overpower new gear
Old gear is still valid and valued
Old gear is still relevant
Now that the level cap is 32, it means running VoG is now potentially much easier. My system means that you will still have to play CE as bungie intended in order to max lvl.
The "token" dropped is very specific. If, normally, you would have received, for instance, the black hammer, now you would revive a raid token for a secondary sniper. Upon approaching the cryptarch, you are given the choice of receiving the Black hammer, or, if it's equiped, Praydeaths Revenge 2.0.
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