I agree with that as well, however I'm worried about what will happen to them down the line. I'm not saying to make them as good as the current raid, but bump them so they're always one step behind, like how the Vex Mythoclast is at 323 damage now. As a handcannon fan, I think it'd be cool to have a whole set of powerful, effective handcannons along the life of this game. For example, later this summer I'd love to main the House of Wolves handcannon, (hopefully) the most powerful handcannon on the game at that point. However, I'd like to bring Fatebringer and The Word of Crota along as viable options of only slighter less power in an opportunity where they are useful presented itself.
Now add in a vault of glass elite mode at level 32 that can drop all vog weapons and gear at higher levels. We would have to earn them the hard way.
Good idea because hard mode is getting easy now with new level cap and anyone can get to lvl 31 there fore anyone with a brain and a high level can achieve these weapons with its current status .