So because I actually care about a game I don't have my priorities straight? You should check yourself.
Imagine if you studied 6 hours for a test and then got a 90^. Then there is another person who has the answers written on their arm and then get a 98% without even studying. Wouldn't that bother you that someone like you worked for something to achieve less than someone who has cheated and did nothing?
Also, please spare me the whole "it's just a video game" bs. People like me have been playing games since before we could walk and actually have a passion for games. Before you say anything about me not having a life, I have friends and family that I talk to and hang out with on the regular and I play sports. I have life and my hobby is video games.
But at the end of the day who honestly gives a shit? So what someone cheeses? You're still breathing right? So everything is fine.. Let people do what they want with the they PAID FOR. Emphasis on paid for. They paid for the game let them beat Crota anyway they want doesn't give them exclusive gear if they cheese or not? We all get the same shit at the end. (It's up to RNG but you see where I'm getting at). And dude I play video games religiously whether it's console, portable devices, or my phone so don't give me that bullshit about I'm a hardcore gamer and this is my life crap either. To one hardcore gamer to another don't take this shit that seriously cause at the end of the day You make the game what you want it.