Hello, Flood. Anonymous Entity and I would like to bring you the joy of art.
This is a special thread. If you request, prepare to fulfill a request. We'd like for you to draw for each other, and fill this thread with as much of your fantastic art as possible.
Try to follow this format:
Post what you would like for somebody to draw. If you see somebody with a request you'd like to take on, reply with something similar to "I will draw this, and in return, I'd like for you to draw _______."
Alternatively, if you have any art you'd like to post, please do. If you're posting many images at once, reply to your original post. If you come back later with new art, post it in a new subthread.
AE and I will be drawing here, so please join us in this artistic journey! Get creative, Ladies and Gentlemen!
Edit: 3000 replies all about art. :D
Edit: Image is of AE's Drawing of the Thread
Edit: [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/770599]The Art Den[/url]
I would try to draw some people, but there is only my hand to draw on, in the dark.
I will draw u
I canz draw too http://ifunny.co/fun/uHSlUGPb2
Draw me a DeLorean.
Edited by spartanhardcore: 1/10/2015 1:16:13 AMSome one draw a warthog or scarab
I have been shot in the feels
Edited by Neon: 1/10/2015 8:10:13 PMWhen I see the stars, I gaze at myself, a beautiful thing created from ideas outside of our comprehension." Neon~ "Night is the way stars have to become the kings of the heavens, but they teach important life lessons as well when they share the sky with [i]eachother[/i]." Neon~ "We as the human race cannot stop looking for other life, as we then help other life eventually find us." Neon~ "As I sit up here within my throne of darkness I only have the time to think about...light." Neon~ "As I stare at the stars every clear night I see the odd star presiding over us, with it is Touch, over time I adopt it as the over watcher of hope." Neon~ Please pic one to draw for a quote >.< But if I may I would LOVE to have my 4th quote made into a drawing ^~^, A king of the darkness within space alone on his broken throne, the only thing he can think about now is...light
Ghøzt draw me!
Edited by Anonymous Entity: 1/9/2015 10:11:28 PMBEGINNING TRANSMISSION: (Low melodious hum.) As requested by Neon. A vine/lock-covered heart, with a robot drone. ENDING TRANSMISSION:
Draw master-chief beeting up a guardian(destiny) with an xbox one.
I wish i could draw this good:(. [spoiler]Still waiting for johnny, ghost lol.[/spoiler]
Horse concept art!
I can draw the same male early-90s Simpsons character with different haircuts. Beyond that I'm useless
Why does your O in ghost have a line through it
I drew Garzon
Edited by AmberlanceXD: 1/8/2015 2:42:05 AMMeh Cod ghosts haha ._.
Edited by Ghøst: 1/9/2015 10:00:04 PMCoordinates are set, all parameters are optimal. [i]We're returning home...[/i] [spoiler]A little something for AE to fulfill her request to draw a Spaceship Launching.[/spoiler]
For Garzon - Fu[b]ck[/b] the Police in Gallifrean
Edited by ClusiveC: 1/9/2015 9:36:03 PMA series of short practice/test animations I made for a website called darkdemon. Uploaded most of them onto imgur as well, so [url]https://clusive.imgur.com/all/[/url] *My other name, besides the feared and revered RaptorSevereP88, is ClusiveC/Clusive. Constructive criticism is respected by this party.
Cry me a river? [spoiler]amidoinotrite?[/spoiler]
How did you get to make a thread with Anonymous Entity?
It is cat woman
Can you do an epic drawing of dickbutt for me? Nad make sure to post the imgur url in the actual post, not the url section, I'm on mobile and I can only actually get the url if its in the comment,
Edited by H2O: 1/19/2015 7:06:00 PMI did a thing
This counts