So dragons breath is in desperate need of a buff. That solar flare needs to last way longer.
You could make it suck enemies in, or up the fire rate and make it that when firing a rocket into the Solar flare it grows bigger stays longer and more dots.
Making it stay longer is something that has to be done.
The other idea I had was if you fired 3 rockets that the Solar flares link up and do way extra damage making it a great team weapon. As it stands this weapon is worse than truth and the worst launcher of the game.
Yellow enemies are still recalculating my damage off of them and healing, the other day I had a yellow knight just heal off my fists of havok damage.
Also with ruin wings equipped I actually lose two rockets a death which really helps combat their usefulness.
It would really be nice if I could at least get some acknowledgement that you know these bugs exist and are trying to fix them.
I don't know why I bothered getting my player to 32 as this has no effect in the nightfall, still getting one shot melee'd by legionaries so in all 30 encounters I get scaled down so it's literally only useful in the raid like 32 weapons.
Ps up devil you don'ts mag size to ten. Shame devil you know and fate bringer are still amazingly awesome and suffer way less scaling than snipers.
Yes plz! I have 4 dragons breath! All from Crota chest and nf! Dragons breath is so weak! It doesn't feel exotic. It shouldn't be named dragons breath. It should be named DRAGONS FART! Seriously buff this weapon. Make it tracking and the solar flare sucks in enemies and have a massive explosion when the flare expires.
"Bungie pls do this. And this. And this. And also this. And that. Thx."