I was just wondering what pisses you off the most when you die to it in crucible. I now for a while I was kind of in between shotguns and supers but lately some other choices have been rising up.
I also know that things are situational (like when your on a 10 kill streak and a titan fist of havocs you T-T)
Edit1: so I noticed I missed heavy ammo. Don't worry the guys in the last game I played reminded me. Also I could have added falling off the map but I laugh at myself whenever I do that.
Edit2: I'm going to add laggy bullshit because I know the amount of face palming/ and just shaking my head I've done when the guy is just not dying (I'm not a loud gamer you usually won't hear me scream at the tv)
Edit3: I have recently come to know the bad end of a sniper so I think that should be added to the list. I am also seeing a lot about panic supers and while in some cases seemingly unfair compared to other supers I think all in all its just another tool for the class. If you wanna panic super then go ahead but you will never feel the skulls of six guardians capping a point under your fists.
Edit4: should have also added one for class abilities even though it would seem shoulder charge is the only one ppl dislike dying to. Like I said in a post why pick shoulder charge which is a one hit melee kill when you could have a shield that looks cute as -blam!-. Priorities people cmon.
Edit5: so I completely forgot about vehicles… I somehow have played 15 control matches in a row and not a single one was on a vehicle map. Oh happiness truly is bliss
Falling off the B ledge on Venus after I kill someone trying to take it from me. So embarrassing.