Yes. I'm on PS4 so I get an extra strike and. Chance of an extra exotic weapon as well. The raid is fun, the new character Eris is a good addition and the new weapons are great so far. The frustration a lot showed for the DLC was that a lot of day 1 players who had ground and ground to get to their level and get their weapons just right suddenly found a lot of that work obsolete as new gear, level cap and weapons started dropping. I bought the season pass about a week after I started playing the game as I loved it. Would I buy them again? Yes absolutely Superficially the game looks repetitive but it is what you make it. If I'd been given all the good stuff without much effort Id almost certainly have given up by now. In crucible you can compete without having fancy gear as its all 'handicapped' In PvE my favourite weapons are often legendaries rather than exotics. Most exotics have their weakness' and frustrations.
[quote]True, are you happy with DLC? is Crota worth $40 bucks?[/quote] It's only 20 bucks and if you like the game why wouldn't dlc be worth it? I hated VoG and I love CE.
$35 for both dlcs bro...
He was to me last night when he gave me my gjallarhorn :P