Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
Edited by gillybot9: 1/6/2015 5:54:55 AMSo, being an atheist I did not find it offensive, but stupid. Kid turns to me after a heated discussion with his stupid friend Kid: hey Jesus was white right?? Me: Well... Um... One I'm an atheist and two, He was born no where near white civilization according to my Cristian friend... So no.... Kid turns back to friend Kid: TOLD YOU HE WAS WHITE. I had to stop and comprehend how stupid this man was. [spoiler]PS: this is not bashing religious people just to be clear [/spoiler]