Bungie flat out broke this game in regards to weapons, raids and gear. The story of this game is this: Work your ass off to get the weapons, gear and stats the way you want.....then watch it all disappear. Xur will allow you to upgrade Exotics, you work all week to upgrade it, then he sells the same thing with better stats. This stupid shit killed the game for me and is the reason why I hardly touch Destiny anymore. I do, however, hope Bungie can get their shit together, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
Making VOG obsolete after 3 months was about the stupidest thing they've done to date though, and if Crota suffers the same fate and we get the same Exotic upgrade mess again when HoW drops then all my faith in Bungie will disappear. I am holding out hope, but I'm really not excited about this game anymore.
I love it when people say I hardly play anymore but still lurk the forums. Kinda weird mate
Some of us have things to say. Is that so hard to believe?
Why is that weird? He paid his money for the game.
Makes no sense to a normal person. You don't even have to own a console to be on this forum but why would you
What makes no sense to me isn't his post, its people like you who contribute nothing to his opinion other than sliding in some smart ass comment or remark, like who gives a shit. Why do you care he lost faith in the game? If you haven't anything to say, why bother? There is enough assholes on IGN, you want to be the comment hero of the day go there. I personally agree with him, the game sucks, but ill continue playing it, Because i spent 500$ to play the damn thing, i at least want to try and get an exotic before i quit. Lol.
So you bought a next gen console just for this game like me I see. I tried playing Destiny again today after hardly playing over the last month and I think it's real: Destiny is a dead game for me now. I ran the daily, attempted to solo the weekly, (how was I able to solo the level 28 weekly without many problems and have a hard time with the 24 weekly now?), but quit after dying a few times at the end. I could have kept going until I won, but I just determined that I didn't give a shit anymore. A sad day indeed. I sure hope others still find the magic I once felt for this game, and I wish Bungie the best of luck in the future!
Edited by arkk77: 1/8/2015 4:14:23 AMYou are an idiot
I sure am, I'm such an idiot for being fooled into believing this game was going to be something more. But hey, thanks for your opinion man, May the force be with you.