Old weapons are old. They will not and should not update vog weapons. Why do the new content if we can just use the old stuff?. You people need to find a new game and stop complaining. New content means new weapons and the old ones become obsolete.... just like every other game. Seems like some people have never played a game with dlc before.
We can still do the new stuff just make the old raid gear the equivalent to the faction gear make it so we can upgrade it with the now useless acendant shards, a mote of light and a strange coin from xur on the weekend or something it can be done I'm tired of looking exactly the same as these people that never even touched the vog but got carried through crota ... no make every triumph worth something
OK... 1000 motes of light and 500 strange coins for a single upgrade to vog weapons or armor. That's fair. You want to do it so bad then grind and grind and grind... old weapons are old. Duh.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard if you've played almost any other game allowing you to change your armor there is a way to upgrade. It keeps people distinguished. Mist of these clowns haven't even played the VOG !! And just grinded tell they bought all vanguard gear then got carried through or cheesed crota. You're probably one of them...
There is literally no incentive to do VoG anymore unless you don't have the Vex Mythoclast. Even the minuscule chance of getting an exotic, let alone at MAX 300, isn't enough incentive either. You do realize that new players joined this Christmas and not nearly half of them are ready to take on Crota's end, yet they are all going to eventually do VoG and waste time upgrading max 300 weapons and exotics only to realize they are all underleved for the newer raid. It's a domino effect with each introduction of DLC, as the next will have a higher lvl cap.
By that logic you could just survive off vendor armor and guns...they get upgraded.
not to the max lvl cap. Swing and a miss
Yeah but 3 months time..