See title... Post your holiday gift below!
Secret handshake. Same exact one I got yesterday, eh ascendant material for future guns.
Two energies.
The devil I really don't need.
LDR 5001 solar Decent
A pretty lame pulse rifle. Sad that an uncommon one looks cooler :/
Up for anything with Rangefinder and Persistence perks. So basically the glimmer from dismantling it.
Payback SOS .i would literally be content with any gift bc it's a FREE gift .
The Devil You Don't - Hand Canon
payback sos im grateful for the gift but remember at christmas when you thought your parents were gonna get you a laptop but instead you ended up with a pair of socks?yeah thats why people are dissapointed
Payback SoS
Lg scout
Another NITC! Firefly Full Auto Armor Piercing Win.
The Devil you don't want
Arc variant one way ticket 000 Upgrades: Tracking Third eye
Plug One.1...... Communities thoughts and feedback on this weapon would be appreciated! Thanks Guardians!
Payback sos
Badger CCL
Do all characters get one?
Coiled Hiss. Pretty decent perks too. Though I don't know about the low impact and high rate of fire. Still happy with it though!
M18a harms way(arc) I already had the same one except solar but I'm actually relived cause that makes 3 arc machine on each character so I won't have to transfer them to the vault
the rocket lawnchair booooo! Its all good though, was hoping for sniper since i dont have a 331 legendary for when i want to use heavy/primary exotic but tis all good. I got 3 energies from it. Better then 2, Thanks Bungie :D
I got Devil you don't! Yay! Oh wait... No field scout... I got 2 ascendant energy! Yay!
I saw the gift> home button> start> quit> my games and apps> Dragon Age Inquisition
My 3rd Time on target. A little disappointed but I've been very lucky lately so I knew it was about time RNG brought me back down.
Badger ccl and it sucks