Not to sound entitled but wtf is anyone suppose to do with this garbage , I would have fathered 100 glimmer or something I mean who actually needs this shit even the x mass noobs are past needing this trash
Not everyone plays the game for 8 hours every day.....
I don't and still don't need this garbage so what's your point
That there are people who play less than you and me who will get something useful out of this. Just shard yours and move on.
Another NITC. It's nice, but I've already got better
[quote]I would have fathered 100 glimmer[/quote] Care to explain how one father's glimmer? Did you mate with a Hive? I'm curious...
You will always need legendary weapons. My ldr5001 snipers are a must when I wanna use my ghorn. My legendary machine guns are always used during nightfalls with different burns. There will be used for all of these weapons unless you already have them or don't prefer that weapon (pulse rifles for me).
I mean like we all already have legendaries lol maybe if they released this on x mass it woulda helped all the new guys out but if you been playing for a couple weeks you really don't need this
I still need a good legendary scout rifle and hand cannon. I have Voc but still want one with more damage.