Up for anything.
I have been using a Galahad-E for so long now so I'll give it a try. Low impact though...
Anyone know if this is worth upgrading?
PvE mostly.
Worth it. I don't have many ARs in general and I wanted a decent one. Most I asked recommend it.
Good to know. Maybe I got lucky with my gift! :)
I just bought one yesterday. Even without unlocking anything its a good all around auto.
Thanks, I'll try it tonight and see how it goes. Hope the Cryptarch was kind to you
Stuck at work, we shall see. I'm hoping for a hand cannon or shotgun.
Yea at work too. I'll try up for anything tonight.
Love my up for anything with perfect balance. Reminds me of my shadow price
I don't think the upgrades on mine are that great but worth a go.
I have it...good gun in Control.
Thanks, will give it a go. Do you find it does low damage? That impact score has me a little concerned. Only thing to do is upgrade it and try it.
I actually use this for PvE all the time. It doesn't hit as hard as a scout rifle or hand cannon obviously but mine is maxed out and I think it's pretty darn good
Thanks, it's nice to know it can cut it. I have a black suros adm-94 which stat wise seems very similar but I found the lack of damage on that surprising, so I'm not sure whether the low impact will suit me. I suspect the power of UFA is against higher level enemies where my Galahad damage will start dropping.
It doesn't look too bad in my opinion for pve..just give it a shot in both.
Thanks, I'll give it a go. Wish impact was higher but may be ok. I like ARs so I'm glad I got one.
I got the devil you don't w/ field scout but I would rather the AR haha..just get those crit shots and you should be good..I have a low impact AR that does 65 for a body and 180 for a crit..it makes a huge difference
Amazing for pvp, bad for pve.
Thanks Opposite of what I was hoping though. I think I'll be stuck on the G-E for a long time. Might level up the UFE a bit and give it a try in crucible.