+1,000,000,000 tears today.
Never going to have to do another relic mission on mars in the rest of my days on Destiny because of this.
Most of the people complaining already had the best or at least better weapons, but still bitched knowing it was going to be legendary and you were probably going to disassemble it. You were told this a day in advanced.
You all scream of the kind of kids that could get a car for christmas and bitch because it isn't the right color or get a brand new console and yell at your parents for not getting you the right console/phone/tablet/computer.
If you are really this butthurt about a damn virtual gift maybe you should all take your whiny, bitchy, ungrateful asses outside and get some fresh air.
If I was Bungie at this point I would say -blam!- all the kids that complained and make it so they never get anything above the blue rarity in anything ever again as long as Destiny servers are alive.
You all need to call whine-1-1 to get the wahhhhbulance down here to cure this massive amount of ass pain.
Too be really honest I don't have many good weapons so when I found a vanguard sniper in my post I was very pleased.