So I opened my free gift today and was actually pleasantly surprised to find a legendary scout rifle... I know there's been a lot of b*tching and b*tching about b*tching on the forums recently, and on my brief rounds of the youtube community the feelings about the gifts were fairly mixed... However, despite this it made me realise how great the gifts were... Bungie don't technically owe us anything (as much as we may feel it), and actually I could use some good legendaries to build around my exotics. Furthermore, for many of the Xmas Noobs still catching up, this as a concept is really great as for many of them it might be their first legendary... Admittedly this time last week I probably wouldn't even had been posting this, I felt like a right mug running VOG to see my mates get fatebringer and the vex plus my nightfall runs were hardly worth mentioning. But come a fresh week I got my first 3 exotics ever from a nightfall and a further 2 from crota... and I guess what I learned is RNG is confusing as hell, and the game may seem tough, but stick at it... after all imagine how boring this game would be if everything was completed after the first 2 weeks. Belated holiday wishes to you all and happy gaming Guardians
It was a troll from bungie, it was supposed to piss people off.