originally posted in:Laughing Coffin Survivors
Level 30 Warlock on the XB1. Looking for a crota group. Done it once but was ran through it so I'll need to be taught if I need to help. Oh and by the way, I'm not a moron.
GT: zaiyno
Whats up.. my bro and i are in tha same boat.. hit us up on xbox1. My gamer tag is BL00DCHOK3 (bl (zero)(zero)dch (zero)k3.. my bro's is p11i11p p (one)(one)i (one)(one)p. We're not morons either. We REALLY want to learn this raid and VOG for that matter. Usually on line around 7pm central maybe a little later at time, but all night fri. And sat. Hit us up.. sure would like to have a tight raiding crew.