Plan C.
Suros Regime.
I know what you're thinking "there was only 1 package and it seems like everyone got a legendary" yes BUT those are my 3 Nightfall rewards and the first time I've gotten all exotics from nightfall.
I consider that my surprise.
Basically the best week you could have, nightfall wise. If Plan C was Icebreaker then I'd say it couldn't get better.
Beats my stand asides and NM scout rifle lol
Usually I've been getting coins and shard so for once I'm content with the rewards though I already have all those guns lol I have 16 different exotics so unless it's Thunderlord, Midas Multi Tool or Hard Light I'll be disappointed.
Ive gotten 2 thunderlords and a 1.0 and 2.0 mida
Well that beats my 9 coins and 12 shards on my first 2 character's :/
Great score. Grats