Everytime i play as hunter or warlock and dont have them equipped myself i dont get much heavy ammo... Unless i play with friends who got them, like their perk is helping me... It seriously raining heavy ammo.
Other times when i use them myself, some missions its raining again, 10 dead enemies = 10 heavy drops. Other missions i dont see a single heavy drop.
Is that just me?
Purple rain, purple rain...
I drop so many orbs cause of ruin wings lol
I have the same problem, it's either raining heavy or I don't see one for thirty mins. Switching them out then switching back seems to help
They work for me.
-blam!-ing LOVE my Ruin Wings. I don't even have Gjallahorn and I still love them. Ghorn would make me cream my khakis.
It has never worked for me.
Yes it does, but it's not very consistent. When it [i]does[/i] work though, it's really good. It has no effect in PvP by the way.
It's up and down for me. But when it rains it pours.
It's like 50/50 whether it works or not. But I'll take those chances
Yeah it's so hit and miss, it seems to "activate" and "deactivate" when you go into different parts of missions/strikes/raids, I might have heaps of ammo drop in one area, say the 3 waves in the moon strike, then barely any drop during the Phogoth fight
When I'm not getting any drops with them equipped I switch to one of my other exotics and then for the rest of whatever I'm running (strike raid ect) it's raining purple.
Yup, they help me out all the time... purple rain all over the place :-)
I have them but havent leveled or built for them. Seems way too random for my liking; I tend to take the 1 in hand over 2 in bush.
Ruin Wings give the bonus to every teammember in a rotation. that's why you sometimes don't get drops, but one teammate has a purple floor.
I never give them more than a strikes worth of time. Usually it doesn't give me that much heavy ammo though
Edited by GMTR CHRISERS: 1/8/2015 9:49:33 AMI can't make my mind up about them... Can't decide if I prefer having 7 rockets and the extra nade using armamentarium or if the extra heavy ammo drops is better. I'm running ruin wings now and they seem to have heavy drop in batches of 3 rockets (don't know what equivalent Lmg is) at a time, but you do go through spells where loads of ammo drops and spells where none drops. Overall I think I prefer armamentarium, but I'm still deciding!
It's completely random, sometimes it rains purple other time I have gone a full strike without getting a single drop.
Edited by AnimeFanZone: 1/8/2015 9:51:43 AMActually the best combo for heavy is using the Ruin Wings and the new raid leg armor. Increased heavy ammo drops and increased heavy ammo carries. 7 ghorn rockets ftw! Add corrective measure into the mix and even more heavy ammo seems to drop.
I've found the same thing as below. The heavy ammo comes in spells rather than a more regular stream. when it does come, it's like purple snow everywhere. Then you'll go ten minutes without a thing. The armamentarium is much more consistent but much less spectacular. Getting a heavy ammo "storm" on Crota or Atheon means game over for the big guy (especially with a Ghorn equipped)!