originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
VOG Normal Xbox 360
Need 3-4 people. Friend me to join. The msg me VOG Normal.
Lvl 30 warlock gt SlaytonX0
Wow thx for support guys 12 replies in a week :)
I can help you, lvl 27 warlock, ive got a mic, i have never beat it GT: same as my name
Have you done VOG yet?
Ok let me know if you ever want to run it again
I'm up for anything just got to lvl 30
I need help also can you message me
I'll add you an message you sometime
K I'll add you and message you sometime soon hopefully
Ok let me know if you ever want to run it again
I would like to do vog normal haven't done it myself lvl 27 titan GT same as above msg me
[quote]VOG Normal Xbox 360 Need 3-4 people. Friend me to join. The msg me VOG Normal. Gt. MZTER DIAMONDZ[/quote] Add me, name is same as above still haven't done VOG myself and would like to get it through with I am a level 29 hunter message me whenever you'd like but I'm usually on past 5PM PT
[quote]VOG Normal Xbox 360 Need 3-4 people. Friend me to join. The msg me VOG Normal. Gt. MZTER DIAMONDZ[/quote]id like to join
[quote][quote]VOG Normal Xbox 360 Need 3-4 people. Friend me to join. The msg me VOG Normal. Gt. MZTER DIAMONDZ[/quote]id like to join[/quote]send me a request, gt is my name. I'll do it tommorrow