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Edited by ace: 7/16/2016 3:34:58 PM

What do you think "Forge of Gods" DLC will be about.

I'm just really curious, I like Destiny Lore so I would LOVE to hear your theories. I think Forge of Gods is about the creation of the traveler and why it is giving us technology and helping us. Probably the raid is about killing the traveler since there is people that say the traveler is EVIL, and is just using us to help it self, making it selfish. Anyways that's all I got, hope to read your theories soon. [b](Edit 5) VERY IMPORTANT EDIT:[/b] I just got a hint from a fellow guardian, will wait till he allows me to say it under his name or no. -----So the fellow guardian sent me a PM saying " [quote] Hey, in response to you forge of the gods post, I want you to go to the beginning of the valus strike but look to the right of the cave instead of going left. When the game first started there was nothing there, then before HoW there was just that little mining wheel, and now those two little pillars with the cave behind. Just thought you would want to know.[/quote] I checked that out, and I confirmed that what he said is correct since I have a bunch of video clips saved of me playing each strike for the first time, and luckily I checked that cave back then. So FOG will be something about a drill/mine and they will find something? We are not sure yet. [b]EDIT 6:[/b] Another anonymous Guardian sent me a PM saying [quote]"if you scan a few things on the mission "enemy of my enemy", your ghost says that they (Cabal) are looking for something and wont stop until they find it... connection to the drill/cave?"[/quote] I think so, that is very possible. Love the new ideas you guys got :D [spoiler]EDIT: 687 REPLIES!!! Damn, I can't believe it EDIT 2: 743 fkin replies, hell yaa. Lets get to 1k EDIT 3: The boss will probably be a huge freaking phalanx that will hit us with his shield to another universe. EDIT 4: DAYUM sun, 830 replies.[/spoiler] EDIT 5: I AM BACK AND ALIVE TO CREATE SOME THEORIESSS WOOP WOOP. Lmao last time this thread was edited was in October 1st. Dayum.

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  • I think it'll be about £40

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    2 Replies
    • It'll be about the cabalsack.

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    • It's gone be a dlc featuring wwe, so you will go the main cabal ship and fight the boss "and his name is john cena( song)

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    • More money for Bungievision

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    • Lmao traveller secretly evil. These people are basing their theories off of the enemies' viewpoints. It's like Cayde-6 Says "I know the Cabal are big on honor, but LOOK AT THEIR ACTIONS NOT THEIR WORDS, you put an end to war criminals" That should be more than enough shout out to tell the tin foil hats that we are the good guys

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    • Psions might be secretly in control of the other cabal. Judging by the grimore cards psions seem way smarter than cabal. Maybe they r using them?

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    • 1
      The mining wheel has been there since launch.

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    • Forge of Gods DLC Free Better than destiny Confirmed 100%

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    • Maybe like in Borderlands 2 where you have to fight to "the vault of the warrior"...maybe they are drilling to open the "vault of the gods" or something? then a raid kind of like shield brothers or something?

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    • Probably some stupid ass crucible only dlc for all the cry babies.

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    • The emperors new shoes.

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      1 Reply
      • That sounds like an interesting idea. I'm confused about the whole "killing the Traveler" thing, though. If the Traveler is the source of our Light, couldn't it just take that Light away and defeat us easily?

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      • Grimoire does say the traveler is a God incubator. I'd imagine the traveler creates something. Something big.

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        • The message the cabal sent to their emperor was received and he sends his forces

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        • 1
          They seem awfully interested in the Warminds...

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          • It's about the cabal I thought ppl knew that from way back.. Forge me gods is cabal them a vex one them Destiny 2 at the start of year 3

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          • Or maybe variks ran out of fallen and is making a all cabal prison of elders year 2 MINES MUST BE DISMANTLED WHILE FIGHTING ROCKETS MCDICKFACE YESSSS?

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            • Whatever it is it will bring Destiny 1 to a close so it should be pretty epic or apocalyptic. I'm guessing it's to do with the Traveller or the Origins of the Traveller. If it's Mars related remember waaay back pre release when Thorn was going to be a reward from Charlemagnes vault? Might be the Cabal are looking for that. They were trying to Hack the warmind in Buried City mission but Rasputin had locked it down. There's a lot of stuff to cover still I guess. :)

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            • What If the traveller came to help us and was about to leave but the speaker was greedy so killed or trapped it and all the "bad guys" we fight are actually the good guys trying to free it while we are in fact working for the bad guys? I'd like that DLC, probably all bollocks but it would be cool finding out we are the scourge of the universe

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            • Well, as our "Light" originates from the Traveller... I highly doubt we will be taking out the source of our own powers and nigh immortality. The Speaker on the other hand is another matter. Just because he says he speaks for the Traveller doesn't mean he does.

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            • $40

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            • Skyforge

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            • As it said in the shield brothers strike, we killed all the cabal's ranking soldiers in the solar system, I'm hoping we go to a cabal system of some sort. Get me outta the solar system lol

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              • Some guy named valus "insert random name here" covered in rotating phalanx shields with 3 mini guns and 2 rocket launchers.

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                • I think that it will be 500 phalanxes in a tiny room and if you get hit your get instakilled as you usually would

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                  • Edited by N7_Dredgen: 10/2/2015 1:23:12 AM
                    I don't remember what mission it was... but in Taken King one of the quests you intercept a Cabal message meant for the head of their Empire.... since it's almost certainly Cabal themed we can assume the Emperor of the Cabal is coming - probably for Oryx (Revenge for Phobos and Skyburners), but he's going to find out Oryx is dead and mess with us for some other stupid reason. Earlier in the game we learned the Cabal were fleeing from something - we still don't have a definitive answer as to what -but it's safe to assume that since we find this out pre-Crota death, that it can't be/most likely isn't Oryx and the taken. Basically they will probably use this to set up a new super enemy faction to lead into Destiny 2, whatever chased all the other factions into the origin systems along with the traveler. Then we're going to find out that the Traveler IS the Forge of the Gods and the Cabal needed it to fight whatever crap this was coming for us. Capable of creating, weapons, light, ghosts, preserving life, terraforming planets. It literally is the Forge of God. Calling it now.

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