I'm just really curious, I like Destiny Lore so I would LOVE to hear your theories.
I think Forge of Gods is about the creation of the traveler and why it is giving us technology and helping us. Probably the raid is about killing the traveler since there is people that say the traveler is EVIL, and is just using us to help it self, making it selfish.
Anyways that's all I got, hope to read your theories soon.
[b](Edit 5) VERY IMPORTANT EDIT:[/b] I just got a hint from a fellow guardian, will wait till he allows me to say it under his name or no.
-----So the fellow guardian sent me a PM saying " [quote] Hey, in response to you forge of the gods post, I want you to go to the beginning of the valus strike but look to the right of the cave instead of going left.
When the game first started there was nothing there, then before HoW there was just that little mining wheel, and now those two little pillars with the cave behind.
Just thought you would want to know.[/quote] I checked that out, and I confirmed that what he said is correct since I have a bunch of video clips saved of me playing each strike for the first time, and luckily I checked that cave back then. So FOG will be something about a drill/mine and they will find something? We are not sure yet.
[b]EDIT 6:[/b] Another anonymous Guardian sent me a PM saying [quote]"if you scan a few things on the mission "enemy of my enemy", your ghost says that they (Cabal) are looking for something and wont stop until they find it... connection to the drill/cave?"[/quote] I think so, that is very possible. Love the new ideas you guys got :D
[spoiler]EDIT: 687 REPLIES!!! Damn, I can't believe it
EDIT 2: 743 fkin replies, hell yaa. Lets get to 1k
EDIT 3: The boss will probably be a huge freaking phalanx that will hit us with his shield to another universe.
EDIT 4: DAYUM sun, 830 replies.[/spoiler]
EDIT 5: I AM BACK AND ALIVE TO CREATE SOME THEORIESSS WOOP WOOP. Lmao last time this thread was edited was in October 1st. Dayum.
Edited by N7_Dredgen: 10/2/2015 1:23:12 AMI don't remember what mission it was... but in Taken King one of the quests you intercept a Cabal message meant for the head of their Empire.... since it's almost certainly Cabal themed we can assume the Emperor of the Cabal is coming - probably for Oryx (Revenge for Phobos and Skyburners), but he's going to find out Oryx is dead and mess with us for some other stupid reason. Earlier in the game we learned the Cabal were fleeing from something - we still don't have a definitive answer as to what -but it's safe to assume that since we find this out pre-Crota death, that it can't be/most likely isn't Oryx and the taken. Basically they will probably use this to set up a new super enemy faction to lead into Destiny 2, whatever chased all the other factions into the origin systems along with the traveler. Then we're going to find out that the Traveler IS the Forge of the Gods and the Cabal needed it to fight whatever crap this was coming for us. Capable of creating, weapons, light, ghosts, preserving life, terraforming planets. It literally is the Forge of God. Calling it now.
The Cabal drill on Mars uncovers an ancient Vex Forge which they unwittingly reactivate. The Forge begins spawning a flood of new Vex, but these Vex are not like others encountered. The new Vex are other races that have been fed to the machine and reprocessed into new bio-mechanical lifeforms. Essentially keeping with the "Taken" theme, but instead of races getting "Hived", they get "Vexed". The Raid is assaulting the Forge itself and fighting Vexed Guardians. or The Cabal discover an ancient Ahamkara, a wish granting dragon. Through their innate pride, and their shame at having to ask Guardians for help with Oryx, they make a pact to gain the power of the gods. As we know (or anyone that reads the lore knows), the Ahamkara wishes come at a high price, and the new Cabal gods find thier wills being subtly manipulated by the Ahamkara. The Raid is finding and bringing an end to (what we assume) is the last Ahamkara.
it's just one large quest to get a year two unnerfed thorn
Isn't that the last dlc? If yes here's my theory. Since the cabal is the strongest enemy in the game(the taken might be more powerful)they go to invade every planet(there's already cabal on the moon on the pvp map cauldron) including the tower. A strike will be at the tower to kill the cabal that leads the team to destroy the tower. The raid will be at the city below the tower and your trying to save the traveler from the cabal God(his name is Valus) the story is filled with cutscenes of the cabal God destroying the city and hurting but not killing the speaker, in the end Valus damages the traveler very bad but you kill him after and there's a final cutscene of the stranger comes out and says her and her exo friends can heal the traveler. Since the traveler is damaged you are less powerful and get 3 new subclasses with a new type of burn. and finally the raid, the objective is the heal to traveler. The raid is very long. You go to every planet and kill a bunch on enemies and a boss at the end. Every time you kill a boss in each planet you get a message from the stranger saying it is healing!! The reward for beating the raid in hard mode is getting a exotic khvostov(not 100%)
Start of the raid would be like: "We've stepped into a war with cabal on ma-....*static*" orbital artillery starts shelling your raid party and you crash land somewhere and you have to get past giant sandworms, on sparrows, that the cabal use to destroy civilisations. And then you hijack a tank and all 6 of you have to fortify it against incoming waves of cabal waiting for evac.
We've struck a grave blow to the Cabal Empire. In their plight to survive the Taken onslaught, they splintered into scouting fleets. One of those fleets made their way into our solar system, and, due to recent event's, we've decimated their command structure. We've long since received reports of something on the fringes of our system stirring, preparing for the opportune moment to strike. Now at last, the Cabal have brought their full might down upon us, and at the throne sits their proud emperor. And his name is [spoiler]john cena[/spoiler]
Edited by VindictiveAdept: 10/2/2015 2:31:47 AMA raid in the tower would be awesome.
The only thing I can think of is that mission in TTK where we intercept a message to the grand leader of the cabal. I feel like in The Forge of Gods DLC, the leader will come and fight us.
It'll be vex. Just you wait...
Read my most recent post about my ideas for it, anyway here's how the last Cutscene should be(keep in mind in this we are teamed with the cabal) After defeating the vex on Mars the cabal leader relaxes with you in a slightly dark room. Resting his gun on the floor and sitting down on a piece of concrete. Unknown guardian walks in( you can only see his back as he looks out the blinds overlooking the cabal celebration) "Who... Are you?" -ghost" " guardian, the war is so far from over. You Might think it would be smart to run. I would think so too. But listen I have found something; I have spent so much time ripping through the corpses of vex, I finally found something. But I can't give it to them, I have been exiled. Removed from the city. I am no longer considered a guardian, a protected r of the light, a soldier." (Music picks up) He turns around. Osiris. "Take this guardian, give it to the future war cult. They will know what it means." You take it and look at it, A shard of darknes, metal, flesh, and what feels like the traveler. You clench it in your fists "See you around, guardian" he walks out of the room. Your ghost pops up "So many questions." Cayde 6 - who was that? "That was Osiris... " Cayde 6 - osirs??? Osiris the exiled.... No way Zavala - what did you say about Osiris? Cayde - nothing!; nothing Okay I don't know how to end other than you looking out the window and inspirational music. Hope you enjoyed
Forge of God's? Wth happened to comet? Is TTK comet? Is comet stil coming? Am I early? Could have sworn they said it was this September. As in the one that just passed. Eh I don't care enough to continue.
Edited by Dagugin: 10/5/2015 7:35:28 AMIsn't that the supposed cabal dlc. We're taking the head of the cabal empire mutha[b]f[/b]ucka
'Kill the Traveler'? F*ck that :L I don't care if it's 'evil', it gives me sweet-ass powers and near immortality. Why would I want to kill that :L also it'd probably fall and crush the city below, and apparently it keeps that population safe. I'm cool with that
Forge of Gods = Destiny's version to Halo's forging? XD
I think it's going to be about a ghost who goes evil and makes himself a bigger shell to make hi self more powerful like the line from end of the SABER 2 strike Ghost:I wonder if I would be better with a bigger cache Zavala: yes.... Your ghost might tell his ghost friends, then one of them betrays his guardian to become powerful and starts modifying enemies tech to make them more powerful.
The cabal blow up Mars lmao
It's a cabal themed dlc
10 year game, no way they would let us kill the traveler so early if it was evil. Maybe by year 8?
Maybe the raid boss will be a big goliath tank that has 3 stages of plating...
I think no matter what it will be about the cabal empire. There was a few mentions of it in taken king. The one mission you found out they sent a message all the way to the empire, maybe a call for aid?
Potatoes. Bet we get robbed again with no raid on it and some prison type crap in its place. Raids are the best thing in this game.
What if the speaker, when he takes his mask off, turns into a giant beast, and is in fact, the raid boss. [spoiler]maybe[/spoiler]
Gods forging stuff
Cabal would be nice as they're the only enemy without a DLC to focus on them