It is really. If they replaced auto fire on VoC with something else it would be God tier
Doesn't help that it jams up half the time...
That too
This. Manual trigger pull semi auto > Unreliable full-auto
I honestly never use full auto on any guns that have it(besides autos) it isn't even true full auto, its just you don't have to pull the trigger... still shoots the same, i wish it actually made pulse rifles full auto instead of constant bursts..
You have me perplexed. Please tell. What is your definition of full auto if holding the trigger and the weapon firing repeatedly is not it?
Edited by TheGodAmongMen: 1/9/2015 1:47:59 PMIt still I was more talking about the pulse rifles. They still shoot in burst and not Fully Auto. I understand they can't increase the fire rate of scout rifles due to balance issues. My issue with full auto scout rifles is that they jam fairly often to the point that I just find myself tapping the trigger each shot anyway... My issue with pulse rifles that fire full auto is that they don't actually fire full auto, they just still fire in bursts....