Ok this is to see what we on the forums think. Is Destiny GOTY or FAIL ?
this isnt about the constant console war irlts about do you think destiny deservs goty or not.
yes i know i should remove sony vs microsoft content but i cant sorry app doesnt allow such .
i will say this i am a sony user and i couldnt agree more with xbox , i dont think destiny deservs goty , yes i play alot but lately seems i play only to play with friends, i think destiny could earn goty but not for 2014 maybe the game will improve and earn the title.
Destiny was not mentioned on Xbox, because BUNGIE did the dirty on Microsoft,ans copied up with Sony. Destiny would never have been game of the year with Microsoft, even if BUNGIE deserved it.
Don't give up dude it still deserve Goat Of The Yard
Destiny would not have even gotten GOTY if DA:I had never been released. Destiny is a shell of a game.
DAI is game of the year tbh. Nothing released yet can compete with it.
I'll vote it for "Half-Assed Game of the Year!"
Destiny is 1 of my fav games ever Sony are right
Ofcourse playstation will say destiny is GOTY. They wouldnt pay millions for exclusives on a duff game would they?
It is a good game but the team running it are a bunch of self centred rich mongs it needs another team to run this game . That is how it could be GOTY
Dark Souls II From Software shakes their head at Bungie's shitty loot system. And boss design. And "challenging raids". Lolz
Edited by FireflyPunk: 1/9/2015 8:34:20 PMI'm backing Dragon Age Edit: That being said. I still play Destiny a [i]lot[/i]
Not with that sad excuse of a story. Go kill this because I told you so. All hail the Giant floating sphere planet that is sleeping for some reason because he protected us for some reason that we don't know why...... the speaker could tell you the plot but nahhh bro it k.
If you spell it like this it always will be console favor involved... Voted for xBox (PS4 User). This game is just a joke
Edited by Spartan 1004CG: 1/9/2015 9:23:10 PMWhy does xbox not think destiny deserves game if the year? Also while i don't think it is game of the year compared to other games i think it's my game of the year. I haven't put it down since launch.
Edited by oFONZEEo: 1/9/2015 8:30:06 PMThis game had the potential to be one of the greatest current gen games for years to come. Unfortunately it has been cut and gutted to the point where it is near unrecognisable from that epic online rpg shooter i was imagining from the first unveiling. The story is absolutely non existent. The repetetiveness due to lack of content just gets so boring. No trading. Only three people in a fireteam and two raids that are borderline ok. You have to go into orbit every time you want to do a new mission or strike, can't just explore and adventure with your buddies in a seamless world. My major issue is with the leveling system. It severely severely limits the game in many ways. There is very little customisation. When you hit level 20 (which takes 2 days at most) all there is to do is grind and hope rng is kind to you. This takes away from the feeling of progress which is important in any rpg. Why was the leveling system designed this way? If there is a logical explanation for this, then I have no idea what it is. Basically there is very little content, story, character development or immersion within the game. Simply does not deserve game of the year or even to be in the running for it. You can tell me that the content will come with later expansions but from what I can see, that is all just gutted content from the original game.
Great graphics and gameplay. Piss poor amount of content. And we all can agree with the story... But that's what happens when the lead developer peaced out with half of the games content. Oh well
Its a decent time killer, a full game, Not a chance. It shouldn't get goty for any system. Other people have said this but should remove the PS/Xbox from the choice's its just gonna start that tired, stupid war up again
I'd love people to name another game of the year that they've put more time into than Destiny.
Skyrim with 400 plus mods after weeks of trouble shooting is goty forever.
Edited by Talhwar: 1/9/2015 8:08:16 PMI played SoM for 23hrs... I've played Destiny for over 800 Edit: DAI has about 110 hrs played got pissed though as I never got a bow over 200 dps thanks to RNG
Well you kinda did make it about the console war. If you wanted a more accurate poll you should have just given us a YES or NO option.
I agree with Gameinformer. Best shooter and cooperative multiplayer of the year.
It lies somewhere in between.
Best SHOOTER, best game? Dragon Age Inquisition.
Lets go playstation goty
Where Halo ?
[quote]Ok this is to see what we on the forums think. Is Destiny GOTY or FAIL ? this isnt about the constant console war irlts about do you think destiny deservs goty or not.[/quote] Fail