You can't. To prove something you have to be able to do it over and over again without fail. Physically (not religiously) we can't be born again. Try climbing back inside there and tell me if you are able to be born a second time.
Then we can't prove origins?
In which case why are hundreds of scientists even bothering trying to figure it out?
But for all they know, this could be a very elaborate dream, from which we wake at death, like when we die in dreams we wake here. And then God is like, haha, got you!
Because science operates on the assumption that the noumenal world, the world which is outside of human perception (which no human has ever perceived) is real. Its a leap of faith. There is no evidence the universe outside your mind is real, because it is the same as your dreams, only ever experienced by you. But scientists just choose to believe in it
It has nothing to do with perception. I'm talking about what the other guy said. In order to prove something, you have to be able to observe or recreate is millions of times. We obvious can't do that with origins of the universe...
Observation is perception. You perceive the universe of matter, which is really millions of atoms in motion like a river, but you perceive it as solid. Everything in the universe you perceive in your mind, including other people and the things they say, their proof. So how can you be sure, if you perceive everything in your mind, that anything you perceive (you observe) as outside your mind, is real?
That's what I've been saying for the entirety if this thread's existence(hue). No one can prove anything.
Yeah :)
But even be sure your mind is real? What is real? I dunno
I love you.