Look I understand the need to be upset at cheesers since yall feel like they don't deserve what they have since you all worked so hard for it but yall don't have to be so rude about it.
Once they patch crota tuesday, if a cheeser is in my lobby I will still help them out, sure I won't accept a team of cheesers cause that'll take forever, but 1 or two cheesers, that's manageable and helps this game get better.
Look guys, us as guardians HAVE to come together to face the darkness and the only way to do that is to train all the weak links!
I don't know what kind of self pride yall have for defeating Croat legitimate to the point where yall won't help those who haven't.
I have defeated crota legitimately and I have also cheesed him because I want my friends who got this game late to be the same level as me so it can be more fun! Instead of having to do all the low missions multiple times so they level up.
Is there any genuinely nice people out there like me that didn't mind cheesing and have enough pride to actually help the cheesers learn??
Like I said I won't be helping an entire team of them, only 1 or 2, and I will not be accepting multiple game invites to help after I completed my share of raids for my character(s) (when I make my next one) since I won't get anything out of it.
this is so amazing... I think I'm going to cry...