This is the [b][u]FIFTH[/u][/b] Iron Banner IN A ROW what about the PvE players Bungie?
(This is coming from a PvE/PvP player not just PvE or PvP)
Edit: Wow 200+ comments! Glad to hear every ones opinion and like I said I also play PvP so I too am looking forward to Trials of Osiris
Edit 2 : WOW 500+ replies and we are on trending thanks guys. I also made a poll if you want to check it out I am on mobile and can't post links but check out my recent posts. Thanks!
Edit 3: Changed [b][u]THIRD[/u][/b] to [b][u]FOURTH[/u][/b] I forgot Iron Banner came after the Queens Wrath.
Edit 4: changed [b][u]FOURTH[/u][/b] to [b][u]FIFTH[/u][/b]. Let's bring this thread back!
Please do not listen to this nerd^. Sadly queens wrath was completely worthless and there is no room for it in the current game. Something new would be nice
Agreed man. I wasn't playing the fire time queens wrath came About and by the looks it's been scrapped and that's saddening cause I heard it was way better than iron banner. Maybe just maybe, iron banner will have decent rewards this time.... Of wait I have to restart my rank from scratch and I don't have 5 hrs a day to play it.... Nevermind >_> I'll get rank 3 and tis all again.
Bring back queens wrath
Replace "want" with "need". :P Seriously didn't even play iron banner last time. I reached rank 5 in iron banner 2.0 and got decent gear from it, so I didn't see the point. I think if they more clearly defined some of the more rare incentives to doing it again that would draw people in. Back on topic, We [b]need[/b] a Queen's Wrath 2.0 like event, and it is long overdue to make a return. Some word [u]from Bungie[/u] about this would be very appreciated.
Yep. Slackin', Bungie. Fix it. ~An avid Iron Banner player
I don't, queens wrath was by far the worst thing in the game.
No we don't lol. They gave us garbage that wasn't worthwhile last time. And the only use we had for the crap they gave out was taken from us.
Yes, the Queen must return.
Edited by NoctisEverto: 1/9/2015 7:52:40 PMThe queen has no need for help at this time.... I served under her rule when she last called for aid. Something is stirring out there in the reef, I have a feeling Lord Shaxx and Saladin are pushing us harder and harder to train among ourselves. In time she WILL call on us again. That much I know.
I think because of the new possible reef raid they wont have any until after
I agree I also play both PvP and PvE and I do prefer playing PVE and enjoyed the first queen and am hopeful for her return glad so see other are as well
In its new make over version then yes plz
The queen won't return until the house of wolves.
Like iron banner cause you can make your own guns with enough motes
Although Id like to see Queens Wrath again, Im SUPER excited for Trials of Osiris
Queens wrath gear sucked she didn't even sell legendary guns she sold blue ones, and the armor only got you to 29 as you could only get the helm and chest
I know right wtf happen to queen wrath? This iron banner is getting boring now....
No bc then everyone Christmas noob will have my queens ship
Trails of Osiris over everything