This is the [b][u]FIFTH[/u][/b] Iron Banner IN A ROW what about the PvE players Bungie?
(This is coming from a PvE/PvP player not just PvE or PvP)
Edit: Wow 200+ comments! Glad to hear every ones opinion and like I said I also play PvP so I too am looking forward to Trials of Osiris
Edit 2 : WOW 500+ replies and we are on trending thanks guys. I also made a poll if you want to check it out I am on mobile and can't post links but check out my recent posts. Thanks!
Edit 3: Changed [b][u]THIRD[/u][/b] to [b][u]FOURTH[/u][/b] I forgot Iron Banner came after the Queens Wrath.
Edit 4: changed [b][u]FOURTH[/u][/b] to [b][u]FIFTH[/u][/b]. Let's bring this thread back!
I have a feeling that we wont see her again until the dlc. Yes they took the event away to be overhauled but it really shouldn't take that long unless they actually have zero ideas beyond "repeat this but harder". As such I think it wont appear till after the HoW where they can tie the two together. Which is a shame as I actually enjoyed the event and didn't give a shit the shards were taken away as by the end I had decent guns and armour :)
Agreed. I want class items and the Supremacy. Bring her back.
We have Eris now it's like queens wrath is every day. Do we really need more useless legendary gear?
I would like to see Queen's Wrath return so I can get a better version of The Supremacy. it is the best legendary sniper I have come across.
I actually want an Iron Banner because I was never able to partake in it before. I would like a chance to play in it.
It's almost as if Iron Banner is a regularly scheduled event...
I'm hoping for a massively redesigned Queen's Wrath to appear alongside the House of Wolves DLC. The current format of the Queen's Wrath is crap.
Frankly, I don't want another Queen's Wrath event. What I really want, and would love to see is a hard mode patrol. Like, literally 'the enemy moves against one another' constantly. Not just as a random neat event, but all the time in that mode. That would spice up PVE way more than another pointless bounty vendor.
Queens rath sucked though after a couple days...
-blam!- no we don't. We want Trials of Osiris >:3
Bump to the queen
I definitely would just like another PvE event. Queen's Wrath, whatever. Gimme something haha!
to be honest, the IB events are much more beneficial... all you have to do is grind it out and you get what is almost essentially free armor and weapons, last time getting armor that would get you to lvl 30. maybe this time around they will have lvl 32 gear?
Yea kinda lame still no queens wrath
Bump. I want my Queen back damnit!
Probably won't come back till right before house of wolves or maybe during. Makes since because it's all about the queen.
4th and I love it pvp gets boring cuz it's literally the same thing every week we need something PvE changes a little every week at the very least
I didn't participate in the first go, I was too busy leveling my character to 20! I'd like to get a shot at it!
It would be a cool thing for the Xmas noobs