This is the [b][u]FIFTH[/u][/b] Iron Banner IN A ROW what about the PvE players Bungie?
(This is coming from a PvE/PvP player not just PvE or PvP)
Edit: Wow 200+ comments! Glad to hear every ones opinion and like I said I also play PvP so I too am looking forward to Trials of Osiris
Edit 2 : WOW 500+ replies and we are on trending thanks guys. I also made a poll if you want to check it out I am on mobile and can't post links but check out my recent posts. Thanks!
Edit 3: Changed [b][u]THIRD[/u][/b] to [b][u]FOURTH[/u][/b] I forgot Iron Banner came after the Queens Wrath.
Edit 4: changed [b][u]FOURTH[/u][/b] to [b][u]FIFTH[/u][/b]. Let's bring this thread back!
Yea I'm not the hugest fan of Queens Wrath but iron banner is getting old how about something new
Nah forget all that. Bring on Trials of Osiris!
Bump. That's honestly what I thought when I saw iron banner was coming back. I know there's people who will rush to rank 4 but it doesn't seem like as much or a lot of players who want to rank up iron banner again.
Cannot agree more....but quit holding my breath months ago
Iron banner hasn't been that fun since the first... I'm not sure I wanna work towards weapons and armor that don't stack up to my raid gear. Also I'm ready for a new kind of event... Can we have a racing event?
Didnt do the first one cause I was scrub, what was it about?
They won't bring back queens wrath for one reason. At least, not like it was before. The drops were too good and too often, and people didn't have to grind as much. Example. I had 15 queens strikes still in my inventory when it ended. I had received each of the armor pieces at least 5 times. I also got all the weapons and extras. I got a drop each time and sometimes got 2 items on one completion. I had mats and energy galore. It was too easy for the player to receive stuff. It won't be like that ever again.
I just want something new. The 1st month of this game they were coming out with activities left and right. Now we get the recycled iron banner once a month and have to pay $20 for anything remotely new
They released a post a loooong time ago discussing that the queens wrath won't be back in awhile. And also that iron banner will retrench frequently haha We will see Trials of Osiris and possibly something new before we see that again
How did queens wrath work?
Yes! Or some kind of pve event!
Please Bungie, let the Queen's Wrath be felt again.
I want that shit! Give it to us!!!!
I would love to see the queens wrath come back, especially since I didn't get very far with it
agreed. or at least queens wrath at the same time. i dont play crucible cos i suck at it. iron banner was cool the first time but make something else. I'm actually getting seriously -blam!-ed off with this game. i know "go cry in the corner" "stop playing it then" "you suck". but i have a right to complain as a consumer.
Because it's being "reworked" Gonna laugh when they finally open it to be the same damn thing with the same rewards just different levels, that's bungie for you.
Yeah, the PvP is awful in this game. THANKS FOR THE FOURTH IRON BANNER IN A ROW BUNGIE. Scrubs.
Something other than iron banner. I don't pvp but my friends who do are groaning over another round of the same stuff. Queens wrath wasn't that bad. I think they don't know how to improve it.