This is the [b][u]FIFTH[/u][/b] Iron Banner IN A ROW what about the PvE players Bungie?
(This is coming from a PvE/PvP player not just PvE or PvP)
Edit: Wow 200+ comments! Glad to hear every ones opinion and like I said I also play PvP so I too am looking forward to Trials of Osiris
Edit 2 : WOW 500+ replies and we are on trending thanks guys. I also made a poll if you want to check it out I am on mobile and can't post links but check out my recent posts. Thanks!
Edit 3: Changed [b][u]THIRD[/u][/b] to [b][u]FOURTH[/u][/b] I forgot Iron Banner came after the Queens Wrath.
Edit 4: changed [b][u]FOURTH[/u][/b] to [b][u]FIFTH[/u][/b]. Let's bring this thread back!
You want Queen's Wrath, I want the Queen's Ass ;)
Yep. I bought this for pve too...
Yep bought this game as a pve game, so sick of the pvp shit! The PVP community is who is ruining the game with their constant negativity and crying for nerfs. What is needed is a new PVP game to be released that is kick ass and will remove that section of the community from this game so it can become the great PVE game it should be.
Yes plos
Uh no we don't
Signed and agreed.
bump !
I think the darkness has consumed you when you post this. Nobody wants the queens wrath. -_-
It'll probably come with house of wolves
I seriously doubt I'd do it if it came out. Time-limited goals make me hate this game. Only got serious about Iron Banner once, and after that I've never liked PVP as much since.
Stop speaking for me you shit stains. This is becoming irksome.
I need queens bounties for those welfare purples
At least some pve event
No we don't; Queens Wrath fu¢king sucked. We need a different PVE event.
I liked it. I mean yeah it was tweaked replay of content, but it was basically Nightfall versions of story missions, which I thought was cool and with a guaranteed legendary drop the effort felt worth while. I'd much rather do that then grind out strike playlist for blues. The gear needs to still award shards though if dismantled. So lame they removed that. And the rep grind for gear would have been cool if it was even attainable. Eris is basically the quern anyway, minus the kill missions
You know content is getting thin when people ask for the Queens Wrath to come back LOL!