I see titans wearing it but never understood why. Can't you just equip the skill on the striker's skill tree? There isn't even anything good in that slot.
Especially since Xur is selling it, could someone explain why you would ever use this instead of armamentarium or ruin wings? In PVP or PVE? Is it just a quick level 32 helmet?
I have had it for awhile and only titan exotic I'm missing is the glasshouse. I use it simply because I prefer being 32 and the perks aren't bad (health and grenade cd in PvP are useful). The ruin wings in PvP are useless (heavy ammo is a terrible thing to build your base model around for pvp) as most people don't wait for you to get the heavy ammo anyway, the other pvp based helm screws with my foh sometimes so I don't use it, armamentium and lupi are both cool and I would likely use armementium if I had the raid helm.